Monday, May 16, 2011

Coupon Craze

Several people I'm connected to on Facebook have joined in with the extreme couponers and like to post the results of their shopping trips - 125 boxes of pasta for $2, a package of hair dye for $.99! - they proclaim, posting pictures of their haul.

I'm struggling to understand the value of shopping this way. I wonder if these are products they use or if they're purchasing them because they are on sale and then also need to go out and buy the things they actually need?

I've read articles where people have cleared the shelves of a Walgreens of all toilet paper just because they can get it for a penny (or something like that). Why? It seems like this concept can just create another obsessive disorder where people buy huge quantities of shit and don't know what to do with it. I guarantee none of these people are urban dwellers who live in small spaces.

There's also this thing called "greed" that keeps popping into my mind. If you are clearing shelves of items aren't you denying someone else the chance to get something that they need. Does anyone need THAT much toilet paper in their house?

It also seems like most of the grocery coupons that they brag about are for processed, crappy food. So, great, you have 900 cans of spaghettios, but you are none the healthier for it.

I dunno, the whole thing is just a bit beyond me.

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