Monday, March 21, 2011

When the student is ready the teacher appears

As the happiness project moves forward, several interesting things have happened. I've started to see several things over and over again - which tells me first to pay attention and second, that I'm ready for the information that is coming my way.

On three different occasions I've encountered articles and books that talk about meditation and mantra. Each of them encourage using meditation as a way of clearing out the inner gunk that gets in the way of genuine happiness, which lives inside of all of us. A few have suggested mantra as a way of flipping negative thinking on its head and reframing into something positive.

So, I've decided to try incorporating meditation into my day. I've realized that doing things in the morning as I'd like is unlikely, but I do have hours at night after the Shorty is in bed. So, as of right now, I'm going to curtail activities at 9pm and spend time doing yoga and meditation in my last hour before bed.

I've also tried out a few mantras - while on vacation, my mantra was "I don't care, I'm on vacation" - that helped when the Shorty woke up with a fever on the day we left and proceeded to have a major cold and conjunctivitis that she passed on to me. In terms of regular life, I frequently chant "I love my job and have a boss I respect and admire" and "we live in a home we love that we own."

In my surfing around online I found a book that I'm about to start reading called "Momma Zen, walking the crooked path of motherhood", the summary for the book really resonated and, frankly, I could use a little more zen, particularly in the 5pm-7pm range of life.

So, that's the scoop. I'm feeling a bit more energetic after a week in the warm sun and being able to be outside daily since being home. The kiddo is in a good sleep phase of 7pm-7am and so am I!

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