Thursday, March 15, 2012

You heard it here first...

I had a dream.

No, not that kind of dream.

It was a crazy pregnancy dream which I seem to specialize in when I'm expecting. In the dream I had the baby - a boy weighing 7lbs 1oz. We'll see come the fall if my subconscious is somehow able to predict the future. Though given the rest of the dream, I kind of hope not.

In any event, in the dream I was nursing and feeling very grateful that this child was a much better nurser than the Shorty. I finished one side, put him down to switch sides, went to pick him up again and couldn't find him. For three days. In that time I realized I had no memory of the time right after delivery but I was pretty sure the midwives hadn't handed me the baby right after he came out and he hadn't nursed to get any colostrum and therefore my milk hadn't come in (I realize in real life that makes no sense, but whatevs. Ride along here with my addled, hormone saturated, losing mass brain).

So, even though I couldn't find the baby, off I went to get 3 ounces (apparently I was sure that was all I would need) of formula to feed him. Wherever he was. I went to the store and came back and eventually found the baby strapped into his car seat where he was emaciated and near death. I fed him and he lived.

Nice. Really nice.

I'm pretty sure this dream was inspired by a section of the book BAD MOTHER where the author had a baby with a cleft palate who couldn't nurse, but no one knew this and he nearly starved until she took him to the doctor to see why he felt so light and discovered he had gotten no food in many days. I finished reading that book over a week ago. Apparently it took my mind some time to be able to convert her experience into something that I could be anxious about.

Ah, me. Last night I had a dream about a woman I know who is about 5 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. In the dream she had delivered her baby and was experiencing terrible post-partum depression, crying 24/7. No one but me thought this wasn't normal. In the dream their baby also had an adult size head and a five o'clock shadow (it was also a boy)....Jaysus. You'd think I was eating super spicy food before bed or something.

Stay tuned for more from the annals of Sarah's brain on pregnancy. Yikes.

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