Over the weekend I made a big realization. The balance has tipped in the parenting department. I'm finally at a point where the good is outweighing the challenging. With a 20 month old I'm finally starting to feel like I enjoy this parenting thing.
I always thought I would, but then an infant dropped into my lap and dear Jaysus, it was so not fun. I can see the challenge of the twos on the horizon, but I feel like if I can hold onto the knowledge that infancy ended, so too will the terrible twos and I will again love my child and her awesomeness.
Because, let me tell you, she is all kinds of awesome. From the moment she wakes up til the second she closes her eyes to sleep at night she is a non-stop party. We sing, we dance, we paint shit, we walk a toy shopping cart loaded up with stuffed doggies up and down the street, we stalk the neighbors kitty, we go to the library and walk circles around the stacks lugging various stuffed bears, we swing at the playground for hours on end, we go for walks and proclaim "DOGGIE" at the top of our lungs for each and every dog we pass. And we talk.
Oh, do we talk. For a while it was long strings of 'huminamijigakayakabugabagiba', then slowly a 'mommy' or 'daddy' was worked on to the end of the string. Now she'll issue little phrases; 'daddy sleeping', 'mommy shoe', 'daddy work', 'mo-mo pa'ta' (more pasta), 'mo-mo peeta' (more pretzels. You name it, she two word phrases it and once in a while let's loose with a string of nonsense. Typically issued with one hand on her hip and the other wagging its pointer finger at you.
It is a hoot like you can't even imagine. I just love this little bug and her awesomeness so much. Even when she wakes me up for the day at 4 am. Even when she scream cries at my feet while I'm trying to make dinner. It is just all good.