Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Time to Retire

For all two of you who read this, I'm retiring this blog. My new blog, The Vocal Yogi, is up and running and will be public when my new website goes live.

It is time. I've gestated in this womb of my own since having my first child almost 4 years ago. After the birth of number 2 I knew I needed to make some changes in my life. Partly to get back to 'me' and partly to figure out who 'me' is these days. It turns out she isn't so different than the person before kids, except I'm better, wiser and A LOT more tired.

In January I started working with a career coach and it brought me around to where I wanted to go next because where I was just wasn't working. Turns out it was burnout. So, after a lot of thinking and journaling and crying I realized that what I wanted to do was right in front of me the whole time. It wasn't that I needed to change career tracks into a new field, it was that I had to make this field work for me.

So, here I go, I'm about to launch The Mindful Singer. I've already given one yoga workshop for singers and my aim is to create a vibrant online community for singers who discover they can learn a lot from yoga and become a better singer. I'll teach voice, I'll teach yoga, I'll write about both, make some videos for free and some to sell and, in time, I'll just run the world. Ha ha. Actually, I might really mean that. I've always wanted to be great at what I do and this is the first time I feel like I really have something to offer the world.

This blog will be going away when I go live with my site and just The Vocal Yoga will be up. Thanks for reading along with me and join me over at my new site soon!