Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Holidays

Lordy, I've been away from the blog for a while. Life has just been happening and, sadly, for the last 4 days, happening with some kind of funky virus. No voice, sore throat and dry cough. NOT FUN. Who wouldn't love to just take a day and sleep and get over such a thing? Not when you are the household cow, you don't. Ah me.

Anyway, Miss Ella is doing swimmingly. She is beginning to hold her head up, gives some megawatt smiles that are no longer early warning signs of a majorly loud fart to come and makes lots of babbly, baby noises like aaaa, oooo, etc. She is also continuing to go bald. There is new hair growing in and it looks lighter - in the sun it looks almost blond. Her eyes also seem to have gotten a little lighter which makes me think they might stay blue (these are the things I spend our 40 minute nursing sessions contemplating).

I've gotten much more brave about going places with her. Why, just this past Saturday I VOLUNTEERED to go to the grocery store with her. Popped her in the Bjorn and walked the aisles with every old lady in the place wanting to Ooo and Aaa (See earlier baby noises mentioned above, apparently there is regression in old age) over her. The only issue came when she spit up on me, but oh well, I seem to end every day covered in stuff that came out of one or the other of us. Today I'm hoping for an afternoon 'spo to Target to pick up some pictures and get some xmas things.

We have a good morning routine which is that after I've gotten her out of her jammies, and nursed her, she goes into her swing. She either is happy or fusses for a bit while I eat and then pump (dear god, I'll write about pumping in another post, but man does it SUCK). Then I've been doing 20 minutes of yoga - usually she's calmed down by now and is semi-asleep, or I do a pose, put the pacifier back in, do a pose, put the pacifier back in etc.. and 15 minutes of ab/butt work. The weight is coming off - 12 pounds to go - and that is nice. I can now wear a pair of jeans I bought when I was in early pregnancy that aren't maternity and it feels so humanizing to wear pants that don't have a giant elastic band at the top. I'd like to not have the little muffin top action, but all in good time.

So that's where we're at. The tree is up, some gifts are bought, nothing is wrapped and the house is in a varying state of chaos at all times!

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