Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Noting the Good

Plenty of what I write here is about processing the bad, so every once in a while, I want to take time to celebrate the good.

Today I'm celebrating signing my first student up for my home voice studio. He's beginning on Thursday. Hooray! May a few others follow in his footsteps.

This morning I also had a voice lesson. It feels amazing to be able to sing while I'm pregnant. I adore the woman I'm taking lessons with. She is such a warm, happy person who is a few decades older than I am. Her children were grown, but she's been where I am and is so unbelievably empathetic and encouraging. Today, as I told her about the issues with my current workplace, she nailed it when she said that we are so made to think we have to hold onto any teaching job we have because the jobs are so few and far between and we feel horribly guilty to think about leaving. But, there will be other jobs, there always are. I needed to hear that. I feel hopeful to plan a little concert that can happen before #2 arrives.

Last week I also had a meeting with a woman who lives here in Natick and has started a yoga-based company that is a system of teaching yoga to children and adults with disabilities. It is also something that can be used to teach yoga to toddlers. After several years of doing it all herself the business is set to grow and she recognizes that she needs someone to take on the tasks that she doesn't enjoy doing - most of it operational and financial. Voila, here I am. Someone who loves organizing, planning and being entrepreneurial.

We are meeting later this week to suss out the particulars of what I will do and then I'm ready to get started. I feel very hopeful about the prospect of this job. It solves so many of the issues that  currently exist in my professional life: no long commute, year round employment, feels meaningful to me, working with someone else, will cover the cost of two in daycare for the time that I work and bring some money into the household.

So there you have it. Some of the good. The very, very good.

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