Monday, January 4, 2010

When your travel mug becomes a bottle warmer: How everyday objects get transormed when you have a kid.

So, my lovely Ohio State Mug that for years transported tea while I commuted has been transformed into the object that gets filled with hot water to heat her dinner time bottle.

I realized one night while filling it that all your old stuff is subject to transformation when a little one arrives. Like: the use of a wooden chopstick to fish bottle parts and pacifiers from the boiling water used to sanitize them. And: When I started giving Ella baths, we had an infant tub, but she had to be put in the newborn sling to use it and so was not down in warm water which lead to much unhappiness as she was cold. Soooo, the little tub I've always used for doing hand washing became Ella's tub. It was the perfect size to fill with warm water and sit her in. On the car radio we now have a station programmed on the am dial that is just static - perfect for turning on when you are at a stoplight and the child who loves the car when it moves suddenly awakens and howls. Same goes for the hairdryer and vacuum that do dual duty as their usual household role expands to become baby soothers when she is fussy. It cracks me up that the closer I get to her with the roaring vacuum, the quieter she becomes.

Anyway, there are probably other items that have been converted that I'm forgetting and some that have yet to discover their true purpose.

In closing, however, my glass of wine is still my glass of wine.

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