Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lesson Learned

Here's the lesson I learned this week: When I have a conundrum, call someone else.

My brain just doesn't problem solve so well these days. Not sure if it is fatigue, hormone craziness or that I am suffering 3-6% brain loss because my omega 3's go to build Miss E's noggin.

In any event, two situations arose that left me feeling as though I was standing around with my thumb up my butt, unsure of what to do....

First, we had our first post-baby date Friday night (woot!). We were going to symphony which required being moderately dressed up. Earlier in the day I went to the Mommy and Me class at Healthworks that turned out to be a 45 minute step aerobic class (ouch) that made me sweaty. I'd worn my last clean nursing bra, not knowing I'd be bouncing around (ouch, again) and it needed to be washed so I wouldn't smell on my date. Fast forward to the late afternoon. After nursing Ella I did a quick calculation of time to wash and dry and decided I should start laundry and get the thing clean. After coming up from the basement I looked at the clock and realized it was 10 of 4, not 10 of 3 as I'd thought. Umm, so I needed to leave at 5 and was not going to have bra to wear. Honestly, I had no idea what to do. So, I will admit, I wore my sleep bra, which really is like no bra at all and called it a night. In the car on the way, I called Kat to chat and she said I should have just handwashed and thrown it in the dryer. Right. Next time I'll remember.

Second, I offered to bake some things for our friend's Kelly and Evan who were having their daughter baptized this Sunday. Meanwhile, I also asked my friend Lisa to come for dinner Saturday night and I was going to make lasagna. Dilemma number two I realized while on the way to the grocery store: both food items needed the 13x9 pyrex dish and I had only one. Fortunately, I was then on the phone with my mother and mentioned the issue, which at that point had started to stress me out because I was running late and didn't want to be up until midnight again because of baking things. Her response: get one of the tinfoil pans at the store to make the lasagna. Again, right.

Okee dokee. Be on the lookout people. The next time I have a problem, I may call you and you can tell me how to solve it because clearly I am completely incapable at this point.

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