Much to everyone's delight we started the shorty on solid foods three weeks ago. She ate rice cereal with reckless abandon for the first week. We moved onto green beans after being told by friend Elisabeth, pediatrician extraordinaire, to do green first or they'll only ever eat sweet things as babies. Um, green beans are gross. The smell alone sent me back to my childhood days eating the crap food served in the dining hall at White Mountain School. I have a strong memory of the smell of the yellow wax beans that came out of a can and appeared randomly on our plates and this was that smell. I couldn't blame her for not liking them.
The downside of solid foods in the increasingly irregularity of her poop. I know, I'm talking about my child's bowels on the interwebs, but for those of you who don't have kids, poop is an all consuming subject. I mean, we already talked a fair bit about trips to the 'office' in our household before the baby arrived. Now it is like over the top. God forbid we ever go somewhere where we need to act like civilized human beings. We're screwed.
She was fine the first week and then the second week went for 4 days without pooping. That's a lotta food in and nothing out. When the situation resolved itself I just about fell over. I have never seen such a diaper full of, well, poopy nastiness. It was like poop peanut butter. Seriously.
Are you still reading, cause I know this is gross? She then pooped just fine for 3 days and then stopped. For five. I busted out the prunes. She gobbled those suckers up. 3 days of prunes. No poop. This morning we broke out peaches - all P foods are helpful to the system, except peas, which bind.
It was no secret there was poop in there. The grunting straining while she had her bottle last night accompanied by the red-faced, my-head-might-explode looks kinda gave it away. Not to mention the farts. Oh. My. God. The farts. I thought my childhood dog Rigby had perhaps been reincarnated as my child. That dog could clear a table with his farts. Sadly, I could go no where as she nursed and tooted away. Fortunately, once again, magic mobile did the trick.
For some reason this kid is happy to poop in her drawers when she watches her mobile. I don't know why, but anytime there's been a poop issue, we put her there and thar she blows. So, the situation, on day 5 of poop watch, came to a close with another hideously poopy diaper that ALMOST went up her back.
I know it probably only gets worse from here. I'm steeling myself for the year and 7 months ahead of diapers and already counting down to potty training.
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